Wednesday 22 October 2014

Parish News

26th October

Parish Council will meet at the rectory tomorrow Monday 27th October 4.00pm.

Nominations for Parish Council NOW OPEN

A number of current councillors are not standing for re-election. Nomination forms are available at Holy Trinity and St John’s. Nominees must be on the Parish Roll. Forms must be signed by a proposer and a seconder who are also parish members. Please return nominations to Miriam Stackhouse (Parish Secretary) by 1st November.

All Souls Service Next Sunday 2nd November
9.00am Holy Trinity Yarram & 10.30am St John's Port Albert

As part of our usual Service of Holy Communion the names of those who have died in the past year will be read and a candle lit. If you wish to include the names of other loved ones to be remembered on this day please give their names to Reverend Jo or a warden.

‘Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.’

Only 53  days until Christmas and even less until The Combined Churches Christmas Carols in the Regent Theatre – Sunday 14th December 7.30pm

We almost have a full cast for our Nativity Play. If you would like to join in we have a few non speaking parts left as shepherds or magi.

Can you sew? We need someone or more than one to prepare some costumes for us. See Reverend Jo if you can help.

Bible Study Groups

You can join a group anytime

Coffee Connect Group meets weekly Mondays 3.45pm at P.K. Cafe

Won Wron Group meets monthly second Tuesday of the month 7pm

St John’s Port Albert meeting fortnightly Wednesday 4pm

Starting a new study -The Gospel of Luke: New Hope, New Joy by Ada Lum.

Prayer for The Appointments Board -

Continue to pray for those charged with discerning the candidate for the position of Bishop in our Diocese: 

Lay people: David Chambers; John Delzoppo; Marian Dewar; Robert Fordham; Val Jones; and Jo Sestokis.

Clergy:     Graeme Knott; Greg McGee; Barb Logan; Philip Muston; Lyn Williams.

Eternal God, shepherd and guide,

in your mercy give your Church in this diocese of Gippsland a shepherd after your own heart

who will walk in your ways, and with loving care watch over your people.

Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth.

So may your Church be built up and your name glorified;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A.G.M. 2014

The Annual Report will be available from next Sunday 2nd November

Please collect your copy from Holy Trinity Yarram or St John’s Port Albert

The Annual General Meeting of the Parish of Yarram will be held on Sunday 9th November following 9.00am service at Holy Trinity.

·         The meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate our achievements, affirm those who take office and explore the future. Election of new Parish Councillors, and Deanery Representatives will also take place.

·         If you are currently not on the parish roll please add your details to forms available in the foyer.

·         You are also asked to prayerfully consider how you might contribute to the life of the parish.

A Congregational Meeting for Holy Trinity following the AGM to discuss matters of particular relevance including the possible reinstatement of rosters.

A Congregational Meeting for St John’s will be held 16th November following 10.30 Service of Holy Communion.


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