Thursday 28 September 2017

PEW SHEET 1st October 2017

Blessing of the Animals at St John’s Port Albert
Rev'd Jo Blessing the Animals
Sunday 1st October 11.30am followed by a barbeque lunch in the church yard – animals of all sorts are welcome with their owners for this special service for the Feast of St Frances of Assisi

Centenary of Holy Trinity and 150th Anniversary of The Parish of Yarram 2018 – we are seeking someone to take on the role of invitation secretary for our up-coming celebrations. Please talk to Rev Jo or a member of Parish Council if you are able to help.
4th February 2018 Holy Trinity Foundation Stone event
9th September 2018 Celebration of 150th Anniversary of The Parish of Yarram
11th November 2018 Remembrance Day
In Yarram – Coffee Connect, Mondays 3.45pm at the Coffee Palace, led by Linda Bowden IN RECESS next study 9th October
In Port Albert –Wednesday 3.30pm St John’s Raglan Street, led by Rev. Jo now studying The Lord’s Prayer IN RECESS next study 4th October. 3.30pm study #6 [NO STUDY 11th October due to Clergy Conference]
Also in Yarram -Thursday 7.30pm at The Rectory, led by Rev. Jo studying The Lord’s Prayer study #6 [NO STUDY 12th October due to Clergy Conference]
You are welcome to join a group at any time or if you would like to start a group please talk to Rev. Jo
Anglicare Victoria thank you Afternoon Tea
to be held at Holy Trinity Hall, Yarram Wednesday 18th October 2.00pm

PARISH AGM Sunday 12th November at Holy Trinity following 10.30am service; Guest Speaker Diocesan Registrar Mr Brian Norris who will speak about Safe Ministry Awareness
Next Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 18th October 4.00pm at The Rectory

Christ the King - Sunday 26th November 4.00pm
Evening Prayer at Christ Church, Tarraville

Thursday 7 September 2017

PEW SHEET 10th September 2017


St Paul reminds us that we are not to conform to this world but seek to discern the will of God. Often when we receive an invitation to the home of others we ask; ‘What can I bring?’ Or we might decide that such an invitation demands an invitation to our house next time. That is the way our society works. We are in a constant state of repaying people for their hospitability. As Christians we can demonstrate our desire to live disciples by not expecting such repayment. We give because we are confident that God will provide. We give because we have already received more than we can ever repay to God. Generosity is right up there with hospitality. In a parable Jesus’ reminds us that; ‘Just as we did it to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)

Blessing of the Animals at St John’s Port Albert
Sunday 1st October 11.30am followed by a barbeque lunch in the church yard – animals of all sorts are welcome with their owners for this special service for the Feast of St Frances of Assisi (Please note there will still be a 10.30am service of Holy Communion offered at Holy Trinity on this day.)
Blessing the Animals Rev'd Jo

You are invited to
HIGH  TEA at ‘Chester Hill’
Sunday 24th September 3.00pm
Bowdens Rd Won Wron
Please indicate you intention on the sheet at church. We are also looking for cooks who would like to help with some of the refreshments.
Leave your name on the list at church.

Parish Council Wednesday 20th September 4.00pm at The Rectory
a place for fellowship around the Bible;
a place for prayer;
a place to ask questions
In Yarram – Coffee Connect, Mondays 3.45pm at the Coffee Palace, currently studying The Gospel of Luke
In Port Albert –Wednesday 3.30pm St John’s Raglan Street, led by Rev. Jo now studying The Lord’s Prayer IN RECESS next study 4th October. 3.30pm study #6
Also in Yarram -Thursday 7.30pm at The Rectory, led by Rev. Jo studying The Lord’s Prayer IN RECESS next study 28th Sept. 7.30pm study #6
You are welcome to join a group at any time or if you would like to start a group please talk to Rev. Jo
Wednesday 20th September 4.00pm Parish Council at The Rectory
Wednesday 18th October 2.00pm Anglicare Thank You Afternoon Tea
Sunday 12th November AGM of The Anglican Parish of Yarram
Sunday 26th November 4.00pm Christ the King Service of Evening Prayer